Matter Protocol Update Introduces Support for New Product Categories


The Connectivity Standards Alliance (CSA) has announced Matter version 1.3, representing an important update for the Matter protocol. This is particularly significant for Smart Home platforms such as Apple HomeKit and Google Home, as it enables support for new product categories and improves compatibility with existing devices. With added support for kitchen devices, energy, and water management, this update brings promising opportunities for expanding Smart Home functionalities. However, users will need to wait a bit longer before they can fully utilize these features in their own Smart Homes.

New Appliance support

The latest update significantly expands the range of devices compatible with Matter, particularly those utilized in the kitchen and laundry room. Here are some of the key additions:

Microwave ovens & ovens
With Matter support, you can now manage the cooking time, power level, and operation mode of Microwave ovens. Additionally, receive notifications for cycle completion or when your food is ready. Ovens also offer notifications for temperature thresholds and enable control of separate compartments individually.

Cooktops & Extractor Hoods
Matter now extends support to Cooktops, enabling users to remotely adjust the temperature for individual elements. Extractor Hoods are also controllable, including both the light and fan functions. Additionally, they provide status updates on the filter material used, such as the HEPA filter.

Laundry Dryers
While Laundry Washers were already supported in the previous version of Matter, the latest update introduces support for Laundry Dryers as well. Users can now set target temperatures, specify drying modes, and receive notifications regarding cycle completion and errors.

Energy and Water Management

In addition to new product categories, there’s also an update for energy and water management in Matter. It now reports energy usage along with relevant measures like voltage and current. Moreover, Matter supports Electric Vehicle Charging, enabling users to control their EV charging, adjust charging rates, and even set desired range for upcoming trips. Additionally, Matter now supports rain sensors, leak and freeze detectors, as well as water valves.

Scenes and TV notifications

Scenes are already a common feature in most Smart Home platforms, offering a convenient way to control multiple devices simultaneously, such as when leaving the house. With scenes, users can easily perform tasks like turning off lights, closing curtains, adjusting the temperature, and locking doors with just one click. Matter 1.3 will support this feature, enhancing the convenience of managing your Smart Home.

Additionally, there’s a minor update for TVs in this Matter release, as it now supports notifications to be sent and displayed on your Matter-enabled TV regarding the status of your Smart Home. This feature is reminiscent of the functionality already available for Apple TV users, who can receive important notifications about events like someone ringing the doorbell or opening a door.


Smart Home companies can now leverage Matter 1.3 to begin updating their products and platforms. However, Smart Home users may not immediately notice any changes as it could take some time for companies like Apple and Google to integrate these new features into their ecosystems. Consequently, there may still be variations in support for the new devices and features among different platforms that adopt Matter.


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