SwitchBot K10+: Small Self-Emptying Robot Vacuum

SwitchBot K10+ Robotstofzuiger

Late 2023, SwitchBot unveiled the K10+ robot vacuum cleaner. This compact robot vacuum, with a diameter of 248 mm, can reach many areas in your home due to its small size, reducing the need for manual cleaning. The robot vacuum is also very quiet according to SwitchBot, emitting only 48 dB of noise. You can purchase the robot vacuum through the SwitchBot website for a price of $499.99.

Use the code QWQW10 for a 20% discount when ordering through the SwitchBot website!

SwitchBot K10+ Features

The SwitchBot robot vacuum utilizes LIDAR technology to map out the space for efficient cleaning. SwitchBot claims a cleaning coverage of up to 90 percent of the surface area. The vacuum can self-charge via its base station, which also includes a 4-liter dustbin, allowing you to go up to 70 days without needing to empty it. The SwitchBot app can store up to 10 different maps, and you can add virtual walls to create no-go zones for areas where the robot vacuum should not go.

Additional Features

In addition to the SwitchBot app, the SwitchBot K10+ robot vacuum is compatible with most smart home platforms for voice control, such as Siri Shortcuts, Google Home, Amazon Alexa, and Samsung SmartThings. While there is no support for Apple HomeKit, you can still control the vacuum using the Shortcuts app via Siri.

About SwitchBot

SwitchBot manufactures Smart Home products that typically integrate seamlessly with your existing devices, allowing you to smarten up your home without the need to invest in entirely new products. They offer solutions for making your curtains smart, among other innovations. Additionally, they are best known for the SwitchBot Bot, a small robot capable of pressing virtually any button, such as those on your coffee maker, light switches, or garage door opener.


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